Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Features To Look For Automated Expense Reporting

Features To Look For Automated Expense Reporting

Expense report automation is the need of the hour is an understatement. Organizations spending nearly 50 hours manually filing expenses in this technology driven world is a gross misfit.

Automating this process not only saves time and improves productivity among employees, but increases visibility in the overall company spends.

With a plethora of automation solutions available in the market, it is important to choose the one suits your organization the best.

Outlining your business expense workflow is the first step to understand your automation needs: understanding the issues related to reimbursements, and company policies, addressing concerns regarding cash flow, accounting softwares in place, and the expense approval workflow.

Understanding the features

Mobile access:

Offering access to the automation software on smartphones is one of the easiest way to ensure your employees record their expenses as they happen. Providing better connectivity and improved results, it's one of the quickest ways to assure no expense, big or small, goes unreported.

Receipt capture:

Overcoming the hassles of collecting and scrutinizing all bills from your employees, choose a solution that allows you to capture images of the bills and upload it onto the mobile app. This not only allows employees to record expenses with ease, but also enables the manager and finance to verify them effortlessly.

Organizational workflow and multi-level approval:

Expense reporting solutions should seamlessly integrate into your existing organizational workflow. Make sure you always have the option to add additional levels of approval and group your employees by teams and grades.

Policy compliance:

Automation should significantly reduce the workload of manually verifying every expense against company policies. The software should have the option to customize company policies and categories of spends, and be able to flag the fraudulent and incorrect expenses even before they're submitted.


In an era of online banking and smartphones, you need a smarter expense reporting solution. The solution should have the ability to electronically transfer funds to the concerned employees' bank accounts as and when necessary, uncomplicating the procedure for everyone.

Accounting software sync:

Automating the entire process will hit a dead-end if additional time is invested into updating accounting records. Choose a solution that can automatically export all the expense data into your company's accounting software. A sync that automatically matches and reconciles expenses with bank debits will go a long way in helping the finance team.

Analytics and reporting:

Data analysis of your company's spends are one of the most powerful tools to streamline your business expenditure. Identifying spending trends will help spot frauds, and strategize business decisions and policies. The solution should be able to provide varied data, classified by critical data points, like categories and merchants, and give you the ability to analyze and interpret the same.

Selecting the solution best suited to your needs is absolutely essential, and will most definitely result in cut costs and saved time. Take a minute to understand the expense needs of your organization and you can always try out solutions that you think suit the best.


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